Monday 29 November 2010

Editing in Photoshop

At the moment we are using photoshop to edit the images we have taken.

The screenshot belows shows a image we are currently editing, we have brightened the contrast of the image to get make the bright colours of the image stand out more, we also have used a spiral affect within the centre of the cup with text (Lyrics of the song we have used for our music video) going around the image, we decided to do this as we felt it would offer something new and unique to one of the CD panels.

Sunday 28 November 2010

CD photo's.

As suggested in a previous post, we decided to focus the cd panels around a cup of tea. In the last couple of days we have used a digital stills camera to take pictures of different styles of cups at various different angels on different surfaces.

Here our a few pictures which we have taken:

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Photoshop Cs4

When creating and editing the digipak I will use the computer software called 'Adobe Photoshop'. This piece of software will allow me to resize and crop images, change the colour of various different fonts and shapes, overlap layers to form a new image, add effects to a image eg. blur etc.. All these features within photoshop will help me to create the digipak to best of the groups ability.

The Adobe Photoshop laoding screen:

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Final chosen fonts.

Within the CD cover, we will use the Pointy Demo for the bands name 'OK GO' and Grobold for the rest of the text used within the Digipak.

Monday 22 November 2010

Questionnaire Results

By handing out 30 questionnaires to both males and females within our media group this would give fair and unbiased results. After receiving all the questionnaires back the results were as followed.

4 candidates: OK GO- font: market felt

7 candidates: OK GO- font: : arial black

25:candidates: OK GO- Font: Pointy Demo

14 candidates: OK GO- Front: Grobold

2 candidates: OK GO- Didot

5 candidates: OK GO- Font: Bauhaus 93

3 candidates: OK GO- Stone Stans OS

Sunday 21 November 2010


To help us make our decision on which font we should use, we created a quick questionnaire, on what particular font people liked the most, here we would ask 30 different people which font they thought would best match the characteristics of OK GO.

The questionnaire:

CD Cover main font choices.

When creating the digipak we will need to find an appropriate font which will represent 'OK GO' , we feel a font which is unique, creative and retro.

After looking at the different fonts we have managed to narrow it done to 10 different fonts, by the end we hope to have one font which remains constant through the digipak and another which be used as the letters 'OK GO'.

Here are the 10 main fonts which we have narrowed it done to:

Saturday 20 November 2010

CD Cover Introduction

Within our coursework we have been asked to create a digipak consisting of four panels, our initial idea digipak to an artistic approach for the cover, and after further development we decided to centre are design of the digipak around the cup of tea which we have used within the music video.
(We have analysed three CD covers of a similar genre in another post further down the blog)
Here are examples of artistic CD covers which OK GO have used in other albums:

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Final Cut Pro

After filming out film, we will need to edit the film, we will use the software called 'Final Cut Pro' to do this. The software will allow us to edit the timeline of the film, cut and replace shots where we need them to go, add backgrounds to green screen shots, change various video formats etc...

Monday 8 November 2010

Potential Backgrounds.

paris art gallery
Paris art gallery
Fog land park
Near college.
Flech amoss park Didsbury.
Paris art gallery.
Newcastle art gallery.
Fog land park
Fog lane park
Fog lane park
Paris Art gallery
Paris art gallery
Paris art gallery
Paris art gallery

Manchester Witworth art gallery

Location shots and backgrounds

In today lesson we decided to take a trip to town, to capture some unsual location shots. We discussed areas in town which would link well to Ok Go.

We came up with the idea of using contemporary art work in the Manchester Art Gallery.

This abstract piece, fix in well with the theme of Ok Go
as the colours and layout are sample but effective. This could be used when
the band members are spelling out 'Love'
creating and abstract approach.

This colourful contempary piece has elements of Ok Go within it.
This would fit in well when the band members are using cardboard

It is a very creative and unusual image, it could be used as
a background with the digital stills.

This image could be repeated as a background for the frist scene.
as we have different image of this but using different styles of
Ok Go.

We also came up with the idea of standing in the middle of a street or road. These shots were taken in and around Manchester city centre.

This was taken in the German market, we could use this
shot in the part when they are spinning around.

This shot was taken near the town hall.

This image was taken near market street.

This image works really well in any part of the video, as it frames the
band members well.