Wednesday 20 October 2010

Props and Filming

In today's lesson we have created some props that we will be using in one of the scenes within the music video.
We have also filmed another one of the scenes in the green screen room, what we filmed today will be placed in front of another scene which we filmed last week. We have filmed the car scene with the man driving down a road and with the band members pushing the car along as if all the force for the car to move is from the band members.

Friday 15 October 2010


OK GO are a extremely creative band who use there imagination to come up with unique and artistic ideas. We have decided to come up with our own idea and create a car from scratch using different sized boxes, colors and cardboard.
Here is what we created:

The editing experience.

This week we went into the editing sweet and made use of the green screen and camera's. We attempted to shoot our first scene and film the introduction of the music video.

Here are a few images of what happened in the editing room:

A image showing one of our group members using the camera's.

A image showing the editing room; as you can see there are the camera and the green screen which is located in the background.

The computer where the camera's are controlled.

Friday 8 October 2010

Shot list

1) Close Up;
A close up shot of a cup of tea

2)Mid-Long Shot;
This shot is used to capture the atmosphere and mood that the band show and share with the male character. We used this as an establishing shot so that the viewer can get an insight of whats happening.

3) Mid Shot;
The lead singer of the band.

4) High Angle Shot/ Birds Eye View;
This shot is used to capture a better view from above, so the audience can see what they are holding.

5) Tracking Shot;
This enables the viewer to get a clearer understanding of the emotion of the man and the mise on scene in the video.

6) Close Up;
A shot of the man placing his cup of tea on the table.

7) Mid Long Shot;
All the cast in the kitchen with the man at the back making toast, and of the band making his tea behind his back.

8) Close Up;
A shot of the man walking out the front door with his cup of tea visible in his hand.

9) Extreme Long Shot;
Walking to his car.

10) Mid Shot;
Getting in to his car.

11) Long Shot;
A long shot of the man in the car and the band pulling the car with rope.

Example of the few main camera shots which we will be using within our music video:

Close up:

Medium shot:

Medium long shot:

Tracking shot:

High angle shot:

Extreme long shot/Extra long shot:

Thursday 7 October 2010

OK GO 'End Love' - Lyrics

Oh sugar, oh sugar can't you see how hard I'm trying?
You know you gotta, you know you gotta eventually make up your mind.
'Cause no one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark.
No one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark.
No one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark. No one's gonna find you.

So won't you, so won't you talk to me?
It's time to decide.
'Cause no one's gonna save you if you don't swim for the boat.
No one's gonna save you if you won't take the rope.
No one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark. No one's gonna find you.

And it's end love, the sky is falling.

So sugar, so sugar dance with me this one last time.
We got no reason, we got no reason I can see to hold back tonight.
'Cause no one's gonna catch you if you can't just let go.
No one's gonna love you if you can't let love show.
No one's gonna find you when you're hiding in the dark. No one's gonna find you.

And it's end love, and the sky is falling.

Oh sugar, oh sugar can't you see how hard I'm trying?
You know you gotta, you know you gotta eventually make up your mind.
And it's end love, the sky is falling.

A few screenshots of the music video: 'End Love':

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Production Treatment

The Music Video
The song that we have chosen to use for our music is OkGo - End Love. We have choice this song because we believe that it will be a very interesting song to use to create a video around with all the different aspects that the song has and we believe we can make a good job of making a music video out of it which will be different to their version of the music video.

The duration of the music video will be around 3 minutes. The length of the actual song is about 4 minutes and 20 seconds. We will have to fade the end of the video out so that we will be able to fit it into the allowed time of the music video.

The target audience of our music video will be aimed at a younger audience. We will be trying to aim. Although the video will not contain scenes inappropriate for younger children, we have chosen the target audience of this age because we believe that younger children will not be able to understand what is happening in the music, with the main character being heart broken and then joining the band members in their world from being broken hearted. This will be much easier for an older audience to understand. The gender that we are aiming for is both male and females as their will be nothing mainly aimed at males and nothing mainly aimed at females and the age of the two genders will range from age 17 - 25 year olds as we believe that at this age they will be most interested in this genre of music and therefore be more interest in the music video.

The narrative of the video will be about a man who lives a boring life and has a girlfriend who he is very much in love with. He doesn't do much with his life. Throughout the video he is followed by a group of people (the band members, who are broken hearted already) and they do what he does in his lifes. The mans girlfriend dumps and he starts to fall apart. Throughout the video and towards the end the man sees the band members and then joins them and becomes part of their group. The style of the video will not relate much to the style of the song but we will have the lyrics relating to the video so the maturer audience will understand what the music video is about and how it relates to the song so that it has a illustrative narrative.

Suggested Elements
The costumes that the band members will be wearing are suits with a top hat on so that it looks like they are old fashioned and different from everyone else. The costumes that the man and his girlfriend will be wearing modern day clothing to show that they are normal and living their life's like everyone else.
The key locations will be at the mans house in his kitchen. We are thinking about having seperate shots of the band on roof stops playing their instruments and singing the song so that it will spilt up the video from just following the man around. We will be using the green screen to do this.

Recording Days
We are unsure on how many days we will have filming at this moment in time but we will be changing this when we figure out how many days it will take for us to film the music video.

Ideas for Magazine Poster/Advertisement

As part of the Magazine poster we will be relating it to the style that the music video will be in With the idea of the band members being in suits and a top hat with the main character in the dressed in modern day cloths. The band members will be standing at the back of the main character circling him from behind. They will all be looking at the camera. We are thinking about having the picture in black and white with the main character in colour to show contrast between the band members and the main character who will get his heart broken.

To help us get ideas for our magazine poster we have looked at a few different magazine posters to compare and get ideas for our own. Here are a few of them.


After doing our initial ideas for costumes we then decided to base clothing ideas around the two characters.
The first character, will be the main male singer who will be dressed as an ‘ordinary’ young man. We were thinking of dressing him in a plain coloured t-shirt and sweatpants/joggers.
While the other character is portrayed as an ‘imaginary friend’ who will be dressed very formal perhaps wearing a suit and tie.

Research into clothing for ordinay guy

Research into clothing for the imaginary friend