Thursday 30 September 2010

Music Video Analysis

The music Video that we have chosen to analyze is Vampire Weekend - Holiday. The genre of this song is similar to OkGo (alternative). Here is the video:

Technical Aspects
Use of Camera
In the video there are many Medium close ups on the band members, long shots of the full band, high angle shots, tracking shots from when they are driving in their car. The camera tends to be still for most of the video unless they are in the car. The aspects of the camera use that is particularly effective are the high angle shot when the singer is looking into the camera and when they band are in the car driving round in the city. Another effective use of the camera is when they are on the beach and are fighting with the surfers as the camera goes from extreme long shots to medium and when they go to hit the surfer on the ground, the camera shot is a point of view shot and you see the band members fist swing into the camera. I believe this is effective because it shows the band are in your face and they are serious about becoming musical artists.

The cut rate in this video is very fast so that it can show everything in the video that they wanted to be in it. Effects in the editing consist of slow motion on some of the scenes, e.g. Playing golf on the beach and when they are doing cartwheels. The lip synching is in time with when the actual song lyrics are singing and is performed very will in this. There isnt much cutting to the beat in this song, one of the only times it does it is when the diver jumps into the swimming pool and it shows him being in different places when jumping into the pool by putting 4 squares onto the screen and each square appears on each hit of the snare every two hits.

Mise En Scene
The costumes that the band are wearing are Tudor cloths where as all the other people in the video are wearing modern day clothing. The location of the Video is in a big city, possibly LA, at a swimming pool, at a hotel room, on the road in a car and at a beach. These location show what the song is about and expresses how the song is suppose to make you feel. The performance in the video is ok, but not very impressive. This may be possibly because they are a new band and not had much experience with making music videos. The lighting changes throughout the video from a very bright sunny day throughout until the end were the sun is setting with a red sky stating that the end of the video is near.

Narrative/ Genre Aspects
The narrative of the video is the band members are on holiday and are trying to make the most of it by having a good time, therefore making it a illustrated narrative. Throughout the video the is much performance involved; like when they at sat in the hotel room, driving around in the car and when they are fighting with the surfers.

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