Friday 24 September 2010

Notes and Ideas for the Music Video.

Initials Ideas

Are initial ideas are to have a comedy styled music video, involving various different 'funny' scene's. Some ideas are to be within a gym with fast food items as the equipment, also we thought we then have a serious side to it involving men in suits.

Roles in the group

Within the group all of us have different skills and we wish to use all ours skills to create a successful video. At the moment we our discussing who is going to be in the video and who is going to be doing the filming. When we come to the editing of the magazine and the CD pack design, each of us may have specific things we want to do and we will discuss this nearer the time.


For editing we think the music video would be quite fast paste, with various different camera shots and the use of different effects within the video. We will use quick cuts to make the video seem faster and keep the editing between different shots in time with the music.


For our blog we will try and show every step into the creation of our music video, from analyzing real life video's to the shooting of the various locations and the final edits to show the ways that we created and put together our music video.

Specific Ideas for the video

At this moment in time we just have initial ideas, and in the process of expanding them further. We are aiming for the style of the video to be comedy with silly things happening to the cast of the music video. We would like to do something related to exercise and eating and blending the two things together in a funny way. We also have an idea of linking the exercise idea with relationships.

Ideas for magazine and CD pack design

At the moment we feel the magazine and CD pack design should have a 'professional' feel towards it through the images, colors and text which we will use.

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