Thursday 2 December 2010

Comments on the digipak.

For the digipak which we created, we felt it should have an artistic design; many other covers usually focus on the band members, however we felt due to OK GO's imaginative album covers we should follow by creating our own.

After long consideration on what we should do. We felt that the panels should be based around the cup of tea which we used in the first sequence of our music video , we chose this as we thought we could use the cup in different artistic ways.

For the front panel of the digipak, we used a digital stills camera to take a birds eye view shot of four cups of tea in different positions, we felt that that this would look quite creative. The use of the maroon coloured tea allowed us to use the white coloured text which stood out quite a lot from the maroon colour of the tea.

Within the left hand side panel the contrast between the background and the colour of the mugs and writing makes the text stand out and easier to read, the simplicity of the mug and the text makes the panel seem more interesting.

The right hand side (inside) panel is also very different, here the lyrics of the song is used as a swirl within the cup, the vibrant colours of the tea and saucer also make it stand out from the background and this gives it a different feel from the rest of the panels.

One again the back panel of the digipak makes use of the contrast between background and the mug looks really effective and makes the text really stand out from the rest of the panel, the use of the bar code and small print make the digipak even more authentic and realistic.

As a group we are extremely pleased with how the digipak has come out. We really like the continuity between each of the panels and the artistic characteristics which it offers.

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