Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2: Consider How The Video, Magazine Advert and CD Case Compliment Each Other

Our video fits in well with our other media based work as at the start of the video, we use a cup of tea which we have also used within our digipak as well. The digipak which we created consisted of four panels; each of the panels had a picture of either a mug or a cup of tea, which created continuity between the music video and each of the four panels. We created the link between the different media formats because it allowed them to tie in together with each other and shows the audience that the cup of tea has a significant role in the video.
Many of the digipaks/Cd's which are available on the market today usually have the band or singer positioned on them however, we decided not to follow this trend and to do something different which would make our digipak stand out from the rest in hope that we could attract people into purchasing the album. To do this, we decided to take a more artistic approach towards creating the panels and we thought that the idea of using the cup of tea was different and unique.

On the back panel of the digipak and on the music advert, we used the logos of 'sony music' and 'epic' record labels; we choose to put the record labels on as it makes the media products more realistic and authentic. By giving the digipak the similar aspect of the video, we believe that this would help us sell our product to an audience because the idea of the cup of tea is very simple yet easily rememberable.

Another feature which was shared between the advert and digipak was the font. This included the fonts 'Grobold' and 'Pointy Demo' which were both used on the music advert and the digipak. This was done to create continuity between the products but also to create a house style for the band; if the band use the same font for their name, over time it will become more recognisable and distinctive.
Due to the music video being quite creative and different compared to other videos, we felt that we should do something just as innovative when creating the magazine advert. The use of creating the 'layering' effect was a brilliant idea. Although we felt this made the magazine advert look fantastic, we also felt that we captured the quirkiness of the music video in the advert.
Furthermore, the advert seems very artistic through the use of the different images and bold attractive colours- this links in with the artistic approach which was seen in the digipak.

Overall, as a group we feel that all of the media products which we produced are extremely creative and artistic but each of them are unique in their own way; we believe that all three off the different media formats all link together and compliment each other.

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