Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation Question 1: In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

In our music video, have use a lot of different devices to make our video effective, such as different props and we have used the green screen to its full potential and took advantage of the facilities available. What makes if different from real media products is that, we use lots of green screen rather than mainly going onto location. We believe that this gave our video a "funky" feel to it and gave it the right mood considering the genre of the music that we choose. We used interesting props in our video as we used cardboard cut outs with different designs on them and made them crawl up one of the characters, we believe that this made our video unique as not many other video use props to crawl up their characters and consume them. We challenged forms of real life products by not really having a story as the video is made up of different shots with different locations and doesn't give the audience a clear view of what is happening and by doing this, we strayed away from a linear narrative and tried to let the audience think for themselves and come up with their own conclusion of what is happening with the character.

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