Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

We first used media technologies when researching into the task; through using the Internet we expanded our knowledge on the different music genres and what made each of them musically different from another.
When looking further into digipaks and music advertisements, the Internet, particularly 'Google Images', was really useful as it provided a large variety to look through. With the help from 'Google Images' we were able to create a unique idea which was applied to digipak and the music advertisement.

Also when researching into the music video we used popular video websites such as YouTube and Muzu, these sites enabled us to look at thousands of different music videos and this helped us to get an idea of how music videos appeal to people and get their message across. After deciding which song we were going to do, YouTube proved to be really useful when looking into videos of a similar genre of the OK GO - End Love which we had picked, we were able to see how they made their music videos more musically diverse compared to the average pop video. We also did research into the band 'OK GO', and gathered background information on the band and why they are different compared to bands like Take That and the Black Eyed Peas.

When planning each of the tasks; music video, digipak and advertisement, we first posted onto our blog, our initial ideas for each task and then expanded on them as our ideas developed further.
Also when planning into the music video; we went around the local area (Manchester and college) and took suitable location shots where we could film or use for the green screen. The pictures which we took; were taken by a digital stills camera as this was easily portable and would provide good quality shots. After taking the pictures as a group we discussed which of the different locations would be the most beneficial for our music video.

The construction of each of the tasks was probably the hardest part of the whole task, however creating the music video was a difficult task and we used many different media technologies to construct the music video. The whole video which we created was done by using the green screen, as we felt this would be better suited for the video which we wanted to create. We filmed our music video using special green screen cameras in the editing sweet. We set up lighting within the editing room so it would minimise our shadows and create a effecting video.

To edit the filmed music video, we used the program called 'Final Cut Pro' on the Apple Mac. We had over 60 hours of clips to choose from and this was a very time consuming task, the clips were cut down using the razor tool which allowed us to precisely cut our clips, after cutting down the clips to around 3 minutes we had to make sure out lip-syncing was in time and slow move the clip into position with the music. Background then needed to be imported into final cut pro so they could be put as 'backgrounds' within the music video, this was quite tricky to do as sometimes we could not chroma key the background to perfection. Effects such as fades were finally added to music to finish it off. We also had to speed up a clip; within the music video there is a scene where the two singers are rotating , we decided it would look more effective if we made that clip faster.

When constructing the CD panels (Digipak), Firstly using a digital stills camera we took pictures of mugs/cups at different angles. We then used 'Adobe Photoshop' as this would allow us to edit the images in many different ways. We first had to crop the images to the size of 12cm by 12cm, next the saturation and brightness of some of the panels was slightly altered to make the image brighter. Photoshop allowed us to insert text into the image, the text was changed to a suitable font and the colour was also changed so it would fit in with the house style of the group. We also used a digital stills camera and photoshop when creating/editing the music advertisement. Within photoshop this time creating the advertisement was a lot more complex, using many of the tools within photoshop such as the 'lasso' tool and the 'feathering' tool, we had to crop many selected areas of different photos and blend them all into one. After doing this text was then added to advertisement; including logo's and a web-link.

A media technology which allowed us to focus on the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages, was the use of the blog. Through most of the stages we were able to write and upload screenshots on to the blog, providing a detailed diary account of what we had done in and out of lessons and providing evidence to back up how did things. Our teachers were able to see a up to date account on out progress so far and give us feedback if necessary.

Without the use of such variety of different media technologies, the music video, digipak and advertisement would of not been as successfully as they all played a large role with the construction, research, planning and the evaluation stages of our coursework.

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